A small break, and here I am back again! :) I wish to share a real world tale to make you gain a significant insight upon an important but quite over-looked element in our lives!
There was a small scale businessman. He had
a sweet little family – a loving wife and two adorable kids. His family and friends
used to love him but strangely he was never able to show his love to them. Even
on the special occasions like festivals, birthdays or his anniversary, he used to
spend the day as normally with no excitement and zeal. When his children used
to show him their excellent grades, he used to casually congratulate them,
showing no interest!
He often used to avoid going to social
functions and did not even celebrate any at his home. He was idiosyncratic! He
liked to dominate actually! Ironically, he never knew the art of communication.
He was commanding and his family agreed to almost whatever he used to say!
When it was his desire to go for an outing, only then he used to take his family along. Keeping at bay the desires of his children and wife, he often had enough lame excuses for not fulfilling their wishes. There was no particular choice for the family but to survive with this man! Probably for all these reasons, the man could never make true friends in his life! People used to see him as a stubborn and snobbish person.
When it was his desire to go for an outing, only then he used to take his family along. Keeping at bay the desires of his children and wife, he often had enough lame excuses for not fulfilling their wishes. There was no particular choice for the family but to survive with this man! Probably for all these reasons, the man could never make true friends in his life! People used to see him as a stubborn and snobbish person.
Gradually, the children grew up and the
couple got a bit older. Occupied in their own lives, the children hardly used
to talk to their father. They rather used to be with their mother in the spare
time. The young ones stopped celebrating their birthdays at home. Few more
years passed by and they joined an International University abroad.
During this time, one year, the children
forgot their father’s birthday and did not wish him. After 2 days, their mother
reminded them about it over phone. On hearing this, they were taken aback. They
called their dad and simply wished him belated happy birthday.
There was a moment of silence, no response from the man, the haughty being who lived
his yesteryears without the charm of acknowledgement; this was the moment that
melted his heart!
Tears rolled down his wrinkled cheeks and
with a lump in his throat, he uttered the words that he should have spoken much
earlier. He said, “I love you sweethearts. Thanks for all your love!” and
disconnected the call. The children believed this to be an obvious gesture and
did not ponder over it much.
To the man’s surprise, he felt a sheer sense
of relief as if a hefty stone has been chunked off his heart. He sobbed and wailed
for not having accepted the love from his loved ones, for overlooking the joy in
small things, for not celebrating the occasions, for not making true friends, for not understanding the fact
that it is so important in life to be humble and appreciate others, especially
those who love you! His wife, who was watching this all the while, gave him an embracing
teary gaze and stepped forward to hug gently.
Nevertheless, he realised what he missed
out upon in his life. But, now it is too late! He won’t get back the gone by
golden time; he won’t get another chance to grow intense love in his children’s
heart; he won’t get time to go on vacations with his wife; the reason is his
old fragile body that denies to be active like before!
This is a true story of a person whom I
know. I truly feel sorry for the man and wish he could have learnt the art of
acknowledgement somehow!
Well, inspired by an article by David Samuel, I feel a sense of
pleasure in my demeanour of asking the people of this world for just one thing –
“Harness Your Power of Acknowledgement”.
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If they say, "Ï Love You", tell them back that you too do! Image Source |
Top 5 Reasons Why Should You Acknowledge?
#1. You Become the Blessing in Disguise
Ever realised what happens when you
acknowledge someone? Acknowledgement is a form of appreciation that leaves a
magical effect on one’s psyche and is considered to be the most encouraging act
ever. It is essential to appreciate the people in your life (personally as well
as professionally) for their small and big deeds. It makes them feel positive. Believe
it or not, you yourself feel happy when you do it. Go, do a reality check!
#2. You Get the Dose to be Kind and Humble
Accept the kindness of your loved ones and
give them back their share of the much deserved love and attention. Let your hidden
emotions flow out of the crevices of your heart. This dual effect spreads the much valuable element known as compassion and makes world a beautiful
#3. You Become a Good Communicator
Acknowledgement lets others know that you
hold a matter of interest in them. It shuns the communication barrier and triggers
the understanding level between two people. It makes you responsive. Even
machines have turned smart these days and give out responses following the two-way
communication process. What are you
waiting for?
#4. Better Communication Leads to Healthy and Strong Relationships
Speak out good words and enact upon them.
Show your people that you truly care for them. A good relationship is never
about giving commands or following instructions. It is about communicating – where
you speak, listen, understand and acknowledge.
#5. Gratitude Makes You Human
When you acknowledge and accept someone or something,
you are filled with a sense of gratitude which keeps you grounded and human. Surveys
in behavioural science reveal that if we humans pay regards to the nature for
our very existence, we prosper relentlessly from its benevolence.
The crux is that we humans cannot exist and
survive in isolation. Hence it is vital to be together; to love each other and let each other know about it; to
accept each other with the good and the bad; to share happiness and sadness; to care for each other’s well being,; to make each other grow; and consequently prosper
in cohesiveness of the “Human Race” and “Mother Nature”!
For everything we possess in life, for
each blessing bestowed upon us, there is some higher source of cosmic realm transmitting
the energy that reaches till us. Hence, let us be the benefactor and harness our
power of acknowledgement starting right now!
* Author of this post reserves rights for
the written content source being an original concept. Please do not copy
without permission. Be mindful to give credit if you refer this blog post
anywhere. ©Jyotika Rajput Mehra
* This post is purely based on the author’s
personal experience, knowledge and perception; and serves a sincere purpose to
encourage and empower the readers with the art of acknowledgement that makes one immensely
beautiful at heart.
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